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1:1 Coaching

Perhaps you’ve been dieting for years & have finally hit that spot where it seems no matter what you do, the weight won’t come off.
Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with an Autoimmune condition like Hashimoto's or Hypothyroidism.

Maybe you suspect a hormone imbalance or you’re dealing with Endometriosis or Insulin Resistance, Estrogen Dominance, or PCOS.
Maybe you’ve been dealing with a chronic illness for a long time and are sick of not getting any answers and trying different treatments or diets without significant results.

Maybe you’ve just found Pro-Metabolic eating, but have no idea where to start. Maybe you’re already eating pro-metabolically, but the weight isn’t coming off (and maybe it’s actually gone up).


And maybe you have no idea what pro-metabolic eating is, but you know that the diets you’ve tried so far aren’t right for you.

Perhaps you know how to lose weight, but don’t want to do it by dieting anymore.

Or maybe you just don’t feel as good as you know you could and are looking for answers.

either way, I've got you.

The mainstream medical system is GREAT at dealing with acute issues, but when it comes to subclinical or chronic conditions, symptoms that impact your quality life but aren’t “major” enough to warrant medical attention - they don’t often have answers or solutions.  And when you’re struggling with weight loss or hormone imbalances, all you seem to hear is:

"try harder"
"eat less"
"take this pill"

It’s never as simple as taking a pill - not that a pill can't help sometimes - but what created your condition wasn’t a lack of medication. What created your condition was multi-factorial, and what’s going to heal it sustainably is multi-factorial too. Traditional “diets” don’t work in the long run because they don’t address the mental and emotional aspects, and they rely on calorie deficits, often ignoring nutrient availability

which destroys your metabolism over time. When your metabolism is

weak, weight loss is hard, and chronic illness develops.

"What Created your condition is multi-factorial, & what's going to heal it sustainably is multi-factorial too."

What you’re eating on a daily basis matters, but unfortunately the typical “healthy” diet advice tends to blindly cut out carbs, dairy, sugar and flour, is unnecessarily restrictive and often makes the situation worse. Nutrition matters (a lot), but it’s not the only thing. How you're living, what your lifestyle and environment is like, and what’s going on in your brain, on both a conscious and unconscious level all matter too. If we only focus on nutrition, we’re missing 75% of the picture - another reason why even the best diet may not work.

it may sound complex, but it's 100% figure-out-able.
Rebuilding your diet in a way that supports your metabolism gives your body everything it needs to heal and thrive...

That is our first foundational step.  Next, we want to look at what’s going on in your conscious brain.  Your thoughts, emotions, your mindset, contribute to your metabolism, stress, and body function maybe more than you realize.  Then there's your unconscious brain function, your neurology, learning to work with how you’re uniquely wired, and how this fits into your daily life and exercise.


This takes a willingness to learn to listen to your body, and having a process to interpret the messages it’s sending you. It takes a willingness to experiment intelligently, to tweak and evolve. The only way to truly learn about YOUR body is to work with it, listen and adapt, to learn what your body is asking for.




This is the education piece. You’ll learn how the human body ACTUALLY works versus what we’ve been sold and conditioned to believe by companies looking to make money - companies that aren’t worried about the effects cutting corners has on a human's long term health. You’ll be able to see through the lovely sounding fantasy myths such as "we should eat like cavemen," or that "all plants are good and nourishing." This journey takes a willingness to step outside the norm, even outside the alternative health norm - as the “health” world is fraught with as many errors as the mainstream one. It takes respecting and honoring yourself as an individual, and giving yourself permission to drop the cookie cuter diets, meal plan, and treatment protocols.

We’ll build your recipe for healing based on your own bio-individuality.
You’ll learn the principles & concepts of biologically appropriate human nutrition.
You’ll learn to work with your emotions, instead of reacting to them.

This also takes a willingness to LISTEN to your body - as that is exactly where we feel emotions - to drop in and connect, to stop ignoring and avoiding, even when it’s uncomfortable or painful. That discomfort and pain is there to teach you something, and if you’re willing to listen, you’ll learn faster than ever how to give your body and brain what it needs to feel good, and move more gracefully thought the parts of life that are just straight up uncomfortable. Life isn’t meant to be 100% good or happy, we are meant to feel ALL of the emotions. Shit does and will continue to happen, but getting good at feeling ALL of the emotions is the real currency to creating the life and health that nourishes your soul.

You’ll have support in actually doing the things

There’s a big difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it, especially when REAL LIFE is a factor (family, relationships, work schedules etc). One of the biggest things that holds people back is being able to enact information into their actual lives. We’ll address how to take the actions, not just what actions to take. When people don’t have this piece, it’s easy to get lost or stuck in confusion and overwhelm, or not knowing HOW to “fit it in”- and  fail to take the necessary actions, therefore not getting the full results they desire. When we talk about the practical day to day application and get you doing the things easily, you’ll be able to overcome things that are keeping you stuck and move forward faster.

You’ll learn to take care of & work with your nervous system

Addressing metabolism and the nutrition and lifestyle factors that influence it is important... learning to work with our mind and emotions is also important...but there is one more piece to the puzzle that can also have a profound impact on health and success: your nervous system. If there’s a problem with communication from your brain to your organs, you can stay stuck in digestive issues. What constant threats to your nervous system are keeping you in cycles of anxiety, binge eating, or just not feeling like your best self? There are a few important systems, like your visual and vestibular systems, that you may have never even heard of or understood the importance of, that can have a profound influence on your healing, health and/or weight loss. If needed, we’ll address these and other aspects of the physical nervous system using self applied functional neurology to address major areas of concern that often get left out, and might just be the missing piece to your healing puzzle.

These are the Core Pillars of Building True Resilience:

Feeding & fueling your metabolism to keep your body happy & functioning well
Working with your mind & emotions so you can handle whatever comes your way
Taking care of your brain & nervous system

                                                                                      we’ll cover a blend of all 3 of those pillars, starting with what YOU need the most, based on your history, current situation and goals. We’ll start by having a conversation about you. We’ll talk about what has and hasn’t worked for you in the past, and what you’re looking for right now. I’ll help you gain clarity on what’s missing and what you need to create the results you’re desiring.


I’ll help you bridge the gap between where you’re at and where you want to be. Together we’ll discover which aspects are most important for where you’re currently at in your journey, and build a plan that will walk you through the process of fortifying any missing pieces and building on your strengths. We’ll outline the phases you need right now to get to that next level of your life. And then we’ll implement that plan, and you’ll have support along every step of that path. 

when we coach together,
 Jade Bunk, The Resilience Coach, Metabolic, Health, Mindset, Life, Prometabolic coaching
i'll help you bridge the gap between where you are right now & where you want to be.
If this resonates with you and you’re ready to explore options for upleveling your life, book a discovery call through the link below.

     The first call is free, but please, only book a spot if you are serious about healing and achieving your goals. I’m more than happy to spend this time with you, as long as you are willing to make the commitment to yourself and your healing process. Not a commitment to me, but a commitment to YOU. There is absolutely no pressure on this call, my goal is to help guide you to what’s best for you, and that may or may not be coaching with me - but that’s exactly what we’ll discover on this call together.

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