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Whitney a.
        My time working with Jade helped me gain knowledge and skills I wish I had learned years ago. Jade is a wealth of knowledge in alternative health and took the time to know and understand my individual health needs and developed a strategy that worked for my life. As a coach she supported me daily as I implemented new lifestyle changes and was patient and encouraging along the way. Jade is incredibly gifted in teaching others how to work through health challenges using practical solutions that work. The time spent working with her and learning how to properly heal from chronic disease was life changing. 
skye m.
        Working with Jade has helped me tap in to so much potential. I needed her expertise, support, words of wisdom, and help with strategically and practically working out my health goals. She has reminded me over and over that I am not broken when that thought played like a broken record in my mind, negatively affecting my physiology and keeping me stuck in a cycle of repeating old, harmful patterns. I honestly didn’t know the first thing about how to actually nourish myself even though I’ve been interested in alternative health for years and tried so many different approaches and spent so much money on obscure supplements I had been convinced I needed. Jade helped me cut through all the propaganda I had been absorbing all these years and helped me really understand how to heal my metabolism. I am someone who has always found it easy to see the bright side of things and the glass half full, but through working with Jade I unearthed this critical voice deep inside of me. She helped me to radically transform my mindset for the better, showing me how to give myself grace, to speak back to my own scared (and often harsh) inner child, and to think completely new thoughts that were affirming and actually helped me break through into living the life I had envisioned, but wasn’t sure how to achieve. Personally, I’m still healing my metabolism and have shed a few pounds, but I’m at peace with having patience with this process and I’m not putting crazy weight loss demands on myself anymore. There are markers I measure to track my healing progress each day: mood, sleep, macros, micros, temperature, pulse and so much more that she will teach you. I’m not obsessed with a number on a scale, I’m obsessed with having a clear, kind mindset and nourishing my self back to health, and that is all because of the work Jade and I have done together. 
Image by Edward Cisneros
Sophie t.
        Jade is a pleasure to work with. She is organized, thoughtful, and strategic when developing your unique path to resilience.  Hers is not a cookie-cutter path to health and wellness. She takes a thorough health history and combines that with her wealth of knowledge in pro-metabolic nutrition to craft your program. I have followed many ways of eating, all have worked to some degree, but all have ultimately left me feeling unsatisfied, low energy, and nagging cravings that never fully subsided. Since working with Jade, I have more consistent energy levels throughout the day, no more cravings, and I am slowly headed towards my goals. Not only is Jade knowledgeable in pro-metabolic nutrition, she is also skilled in and teaches behavior change tools to help you stay on track. After working with Jade for a period of time, she taught me how to make necessary changes day to day and week to week so I can continue to progress. Working with Jade is well worth your investment of time and money.
lydia a.
        Jade is an awesome health coach and while I’m bummed that our time together is over, I’m so happy with my progress and confident to continue on my own. If you’re looking to get healthier and need help weeding through all of the confusing, often conflicting, health and wellness info - Jade is your girl! Jade knows what she’s talking about and knows how to help you understand and implement healthy practices into your life. One on one coaching really makes all the difference. Give her a follow in Instagram (@the_resiliencecoach) to learn what you need to actually be healthy.
Happy Woman
kaylon d.
        Before working with Jade I felt hopeless. I had no energy or no real motivation to make changes. My life was becoming stagnant after years and years of fight or flight/stress to my body. Now, I have all the discipline, energy and tools moving in the right direction and I know I can accomplish anything. The biggest game changer for me was learning “The Model” she teaches to help you realize how your thoughts produce specific results. Being able to work with Jade through every step was key for me. I didn’t realize that my neural pathways could actually be rewired! And because of that, the positive life changes and possibilities are endless! My proudest accomplishment from coaching with Jade is my new level of self love and respect. If you are thinking about coaching with Jade, please do! She will show you how to change your life and give you invaluable tools that you can use forever. 
Jenny c.
        I have PCOS and had tried every diet out there, but just kept feeling worse. I was struggling with major fatigue, brain fog, painful periods, all kinds of aches and pains, and was just feeling emotionally low. Working with Jade has literally saved me. Before working with her, I truly thought I was broken and could not be fixed. And I thought that even if I could, I probably couldn't stick to whatever new diet rules I was about to be given. Boy was I wrong. Jade doesn't hand you a diet and tell you to go follow it. She teaches you how to eat in a way that is nourishing for you but also lets you figure out how to make that fit your life. Her amazing guidance has helped me change the way I eat, the way I move, and even the way I think! My energy is so much better, I have pain free periods, no more random aches and pains and I literally feel like I have my life back! Most of us don't realize how little we are actually nourishing our body with what we eat and Jade taught me how easy it is to change that. She also helped me to understand that our thoughts and how we think about ourselves and our lives has a HUGE impact on how we physically feel. We worked hard to implement big changes to gain the health I want to have, and now I know I have the tools to live a healthier, happier life. If you are considering working with Jade - just do it! If you want to see results and be able to live to the fullest potential you have, Jade will get you there with humor, grace, and a whole lot of knowledge!
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