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Unf*%K your metabolism

18 module curriculum +
group coaching + community
knows it has to be possible to feel better than this, regardless of how many times they’ve tried before
wants to have more energy to live their life.

for the person who:

knows it has to be possible to feel better than this, regardless of how many times they’ve tried before

are you ready to Unf*%K *your* metabolism?

My approach to health and wellness goes against the grain of everything we’ve been taught. And there's a reason for that. You won’t find fad diets, restrictions or a one size fits all solution in this program.

Here, you'll learn how to properly nourish your body, brain, and mind, so that you know you're giving yourself exactly what you need to thrive.
Your metabolism is the set of life sustaining reactions going on in your body at any given time and the quality of your metabolism is directly proportional to the quality of your life.
Most of us are raised living out of alignment with what our human brains & bodies really need to thrive. We unknowingly harm our bodies, cripple our minds and generally turn to synthetic products to heal our issues for us.

Maybe we have an idea that nutrition matters, but making sense of protein, fats, carbs, calories, macros, micronutrients... It can be a lot to take in.

Are you getting enough or too much? I'll guide you through a process where you'll learn to determine what's best for your body, and a process for shifting into optimal wellness if you find you're not there yet. 
It's not rocket science, but this process does go further than anything we were ever taught in school...
Image by Becca Tapert
You want the energy to show up in your life more, to spend less time worrying about your weight and health, and more time connecting with your family and friends, and living your dreams. 
But... there's a big PROBLEM. 
Achieving stable energy and moods, balanced hormones, and confidence in your body can feel daunting. With so much information out there, it can be hard to know what to do, what’s right for you, and if it’s really going to move the needle. 
In fact, you're not alone if you've ever felt like 
You’re spending hours on trying to eat healthy and meal prep, but the needle just isn’t moving.

You’ve tried everything under the sun from calorie counting to beach body, plant based to keto, but you’re still feeling overweight, somewhat hormonal, and like you don’t have enough energy.

You’re sick of trying and not really getting answers.

How do I know?
I can 100% relate to where you’re at right now.

Once upon a time I was trying desperately to solve my health problems...

I did a lot of what I now see as stupid stuff, not knowing better, believing it was “healthy.”

When my partner developed a chronic, mystery illness, I thought I could heal him with green juice, herbs, and a healthy diet. We did ALL THE THINGS. And gave them a good go. Paleo, raw vegan, low FODMAP, GI maps, elimination diets... those were only a few things we tried. 

But even then, he was only getting sicker... and so was I. I wasn't going to give up, but we were running out of ideas. We tried some interesting things to say the least. But his symptoms persisted, and new ones seemed to pop up or worsen each day. And I ended up in the E.R. being told I had Crohn's disease.
at our rock bottom, we discovered pro metabolic nutrition, and a whole new framework of looking at our human brains and bodies
After 3 years of suffering, within 3 weeks of implementing pro-metabolic nutrition + the biologically appropriate strategies I now teach, the difference was night and day.

It's not that all his symptoms disappeared immediately, but they were noticeably improving and resolving.

As we continued learning and adapting this new way of life, he continued healing, and so did I.

We were luckily enough to stumble upon this information, and we made it through.

And not just through, but better than ever before. 
now i help others do the same.
During our lowest point, I remember crying one night, feeling hopeless. We'd been fighting for years at that point, with him getting worse all the time. We had tried Western medicine, Eastern medicine, Ayurvedic medicine. We'd tried herbal protocols & Rife machines. Naturopaths, Chiropractors, and Functional Medicine. And all those diets listed above, and more. 

But what all those things were missing, were the very foundations that allow a human cell to create energy.

They were ignoring the very thing that matters the most.

You see, without cellular energy your body can't heal, or operate properly.

Your body is an amazing self-healing machine, but it can only operate with the fuel & tools you give it.  Give it the right ones & it works.  Not enough of the rights ones, or too many of the wrong ones, and we suffer.

But we're almost always recommended these workarounds that simply don't work... because we aren't taught the basic foundation of human nourishment & cellular energy production.

But when learned this life changing information & made the changes, things clicked into place, and healing began.
that was 10 years ago and i haven't looked back.
Image by Meghan Holmes
at this time, I was already a health coach and personal trainer, owning my own fitness studio with 300 clients
All on low carb diets (which as I soon learned goes against the foundations of basic human health and always have long term consequences.) When I saw the power of pro-metabolic nutrition and playing by the rules of the human brain & metabolism actually work, I had a moral obligation to share it. And I did.

It wasn't always easy, especially since a lot of this information goes against the grain of what is currently held as "True" in society... what I call the "health myths" of today... but it was totally worth it. I worked with women who came in for weight loss, who as a "side effect" cleared up nagging symptoms that had been plaguing them for years. 

People were regularly telling me:

They were sleeping better and feeling better 

They were happier and had less anxiety

Their menstrual cycles were more regular, digestion issues were gone, and their skin was more clear than ever before

Their autoimmune symptoms were in remission and they were having far less flare ups
Imagine what your life would be like if you could trust yourself to know how to give your body exactly what it needs to thrive?
Image by Content Pixie

here's what you'll gain from unf*%k your metabolism:

You'll learn the ins and outs of the foundations of human health. Stop guessing what's good or not and KNOW how to see through the marketing and claims. You'll be able to determine if this thing or that thing is actually in alignment with your health, because you'll know the principles and concepts of supporting your human metabolism.

You'll learn how to tailor pro-metabolic nutrition guidelines to yourself, so that you know you're giving your body exactly what it needs. Protein, fats, carbs, calories, macros, micronutrients... It can be a lot to take in. Are you getting enough or too much? I'll guide you through a process where you can determine what's best for your body, and a process for shifting into optimal if you find you're not there yetYou'll develop a deeper emotional resilience. 

Step in to your ability to

feel any emotion

without any resistance

You've heard that stuck emotions can create physical harm, but unresisted emotions can't hurt you. They are meant to move and flow through your body, but most of us have developed habits of resistance. You'll learn simple ways of releasing the pressure and letting even painful emotions flow through without creating negative outcomes.

have the energy to live your best life

learn tools you can use even when you "don't feel like it"

Develop confidence in your body, and your ability to provide her with the fuel she needs

spend your energy on fun, family, friends and fulfillment instead of worrying about food, weight, and symptoms

feel good in the morning and throughout your whole day
       I truly thought I was broken and could not be fixed. And I thought that even if I could, I probably couldn't stick to whatever new diet rules I was about to be given. Boy was I wrong. Jade doesn't hand you a diet and tell you to go follow it. She teaches you how to eat in a way that is nourishing for you but also helps you find out how to make that fit your life.
Jenny C.
       I was sick and I didn't know what was wrong. All my tests tests came out normal but I knew something wasn't right. I feel much better now and feel like the changes I'm making in my diet and lifestyle are making a huge impact – I feel better physically and empowered to make better choices for myself. Turns out regulating my metabolism through my choices fixed what I thought were much more complex and deeper problems.
Image by Eye for Ebony
erin b.
Image by Dries Augustyns
       I felt hopeless. I had no energy or no real motivation to make changes. My life was becoming stagnant after years and years of fight or flight/stress to my body. Now, I have all the discipline, energy and tools, am moving in the right direction and I know I can accomplish anything. Jade will show you how to change your life and give you invaluable tools that you can use forever.
kathy h.
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introducing unf*%k your metabolism

Your guide to living a prometabolic life
This is your step by step path to enter a world where you feel calm around food & confident in your food choices & eating habits. Where eating in a way that supports your foundational health is simple, easy, and do-able. Where by fueling yourself well, you have more energy, less stress, and deep resilience. Where you have easy periods, less anxiety, and less pain. Where you sleep better, have a desire to exercise, and easily maintain your natural weight. 

This program includes everything you need to know to thrive, including nutrition, movement, breathing, sleep, thoughts & emotions, light, air, & household environment. You'll have lifetime access to course materials, including videos, PDFs, worksheets, cheatsheets & reference sheets. You'll have access to weekly live coaching calls and daily Q&A so that you can get all of your questions answered, and a community of your peers to crowdsource ideas, make friends, & get support.


Most people have some association that it’s good to have a high metabolism (accurate), or that having a high metabolism means you can eat whatever you want (not accurate). In the typical association metabolism is correlated with how many calories you burn, or can burn. But it’s so much more than that. 
Metabolism is the sum of all the cellular activity happening in your body at any given time. We want our cells to be capable of all the activities they need to preform & have us functioning optimally. We don’t want any limitations or compensations going on. We want our cells to be able to produce sufficient, even excess energy. We want to be able to meet all of our energy demands, and more. We want energy reserves, and the capacity to create energy in a healthy, non-stressful way. We want a STRONG metabolism - a fully functioning metabolism.
here's the thing...

The outdated advice of eat less & move more, often does more harm than good.  It's time to eat well & move well. 

Under-eating & over-exercising damage & slow down metabolism over time.  This puts you in a state where you may be doing the same thing - even what you may consider healthy - yet you're gaining weight & experiencing symptoms, and aren't sure why.

Doing more cardio & cutting out sugar aren't the answer. These things cause our bodies to release stress hormones, which feel food at first, but lead to more long term consequences. 

The current health & fitness myths are taking as much of a toll on the population as the Standard American Diet. It's time to cut through the BS and learn about real human health. 

Our bodies respond to what we put in them and around them. If you upgrade your inputs, your quality of life will increase, and symptoms will decrease.

when you join unf*%k your metabolism you get...

Image by lilartsy

The core curriculum is available to you through our members portal. Each week you'll gain access to that weeks learning materials. You'll know exactly what to focus on each week & be able to apply the learning to your real life. You'll learn the why's behind the action steps, and specific action steps to take. Plus, you have lifetime access to the curriculum + all future updates!
A $4200 Value!

15 modules of Instructional Videos Covering these 4 Pillars:


you'll also get...

weekly live coaching calls

Each week we'll meet on Zoom for live coaching. Raise your hand for 1:1 coaching, or ask questions in the chatbox!

If you can't a live call, recordings will be available. You'll be surprised how helpful it is to watch others be coached & how many of your questions will be answered, even ones you didn't know you had! Plus, you have lifetime access to these weekly coaching calls! PRICELESS

there's more...

daily q&A

The magic is in applying the material, and every persons situation is unique. While so many will be addressed in the materials, questions often arise! Wether or not you come to the live calls, you're encouraged to submit your questions throughout the week No question goes unanswered!
Image by Priscilla Du Preez

our very own

Let's face it, doing this work can feel lonely.

Friends & family don't always understand. While going through this program, you'll be surrounded by others going through it with you. Be able to connect, share experiences, crowdsource ideas, & get support from your peers. 

there's still more...

example meal plans

Image by Chinh Le Duc

It's always helpful to see examples of meal plans others have used! These are tried & true meal plans developed over years of working with 1000's of people. Designed to show examples of meals & snack eaten throughout the day. It's not necessary in any way to follow these strictly, they are available to provide examples for ideas & inspiration. $850 Value

Prometabolic recipe book

Full of lots of great meals & ideasCovers breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, smoothies, & snacks. Most recipes are short & sweet, and all are pro-metabolic!
A $110 Value

Image by Jeff Sheldon

prometabolic food prep guide

Image by Kate Trifo

This Guide covers how to make it easy to have good food on hand. In our modern day convenience culture we often opt for unhealthy choices due to a lack of planning & preparation, especially when new to prioritizing your health, it's so helpful to have some tried & true tactics to pull from. And may have some valuable tips & ideas for you veterans out there too!
$110 Value 

worksheets & reference sheets

Too many to list them all. Worksheets, Cheatsheets, & Reference sheets are included where ever possible/applicable to make it even easier for you to expedite your learning process & be successful 
A $220 Value 

Image by Beatriz Pérez Moya


Total Value:

gain the skills to nourish
your body for life -

Enrollment Options:

unf*%k your metabolism

LIVE Coaching + Curriculum + Community 
+Core Curriculum Modules 
(Text + Video options so you can read, listen, or watch)
1) Everything you need to know about unlearning diet culture BS & relearning about real metabolic health, how to build a supportive daily eating routine for yourself & how to put it into action in YOUR life.  Options for using macros OR not. 
2) The key factors in building a better relationship with yourself, your body, and with food.  How to flow with your emotions so that they don’t get stuck wreaking havoc in your body, and how to get your brain on board working for your instead of against you so that you stop self-sabotaging your health goals.

3) How to nourish your nervous system & know that your exercise/movement routine is working for you.  Whether you have one now, or not, you’ll learn how to take better care of your physical body & brain so that it performs better for you, movement becomes enjoyable, & you more easily make progress towards your goals.
4) The key lifestyle factors that contribute to your metabolism so that you can make progress way more easily by getting rid of the lesser known toxins around you & nourishing yourself in every area.
+Bonus material (unlocked for you 8 weeks into the program) including topics like Prometabolic Fat Loss, Understanding your Menstrual Cycle & Creating More Time
+Lifetime Access to Curriculum + Future Updates + Bonus Additions
+Lifetime Access to Group Coaching Call with “Hot Seat” Coaching
Since the material is covered simply in the Curriculum, our coaching calls are 100% about coaching YOU.  Live on Zoom, you can raise your hand to get 1-1 coaching.  
You’ll get your questions answered + coaching specific to you, as well as connect with your peers + listen to them get coached too - there is so much value in both getting coached & watching + listening as others get coached.
+Mighty Network Community
This is like our own private facebook.  Make posts & get responses from me & the others in the group.  Amazing opportunity for connecting with you peers, making new prometabolic friends, crowdsourcing ideas, getting your questions answered + coaching in between calls.
Payment Options:

Pay in Full (and save!)


payment plans:

6 monthly payments of $400


12 monthly payments of $212

the details

curious to know more details about unf*%k your metabolism?
We’re going to diving into to the most important steps you can take to improve your health, energy & vitality & to reduce stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and unwanted symptoms. We’ll tackle each quadrant from a step-by-step approach. 

While I’ll be teaching you about the why’s behind each step, I’ll also be giving you clear instructions for how to make it practical & put it into action. Further, I’ll break it down so you can understand what makes the most sense for your individual situation - you do not have to do EVERYTHING to see results - I want to help you figure out what’s most important for you to do to move the needle, so you can get results without the overwhelm. And most importantly, you'll be guided through putting it into practice. 
part 1: nutrition

In the first pillar, we'll walk through the 6 main steps
to mastering prometabolic nutrition, so you can:

Know exactly how much & when to eat to support your metabolism 
Know the best types of foods for your body 
Know how to balance your meals & snacks to create the most energy & stabilize hormones 
Ensure you're getting enough micronutrients to support your bodies processes 
Know what to watch out for & how to avoid problems 
Know how to enjoy the foods you love while supporting your body 
Know how to eat out, travel & eat in social environments without sacrificing your health & goals 
Make it easy for YOU
part 2: mindset

Mental stress impacts hormones just as much as undernourishment, so knowing how to navigate mental stress is just as important as navigating nutrition. Plus, it's one thing to know what actions to take, it's another thing entirely to actually do them... and it's our mind that allows us to take action. In this pillar we'll address the biggest thing that is keeping most people stuck. 

Learn how to use your brain as the powerful tool it is 

Learn how to overcome self-sabotage 

Learn the skill of allowing emotions to pass through your body & develop deeper emotional resilience 

Learn the skill of self-compassion & how to have your own back 
part 3: your
nervous system

Your nervous system controls everything that happens in your body, from your breathing to digestion to movement. It's quite an important system, and often overlooked! 

Learn how proper breathing is crucial for a healthy metabolism 
Learn how movement contributes to you pain, 
symptoms, energy, mood, & overall quality of life, 
and that's there's way more to movement than just exercise. 
Learn about your brain & body maps, & why they matter! 
All about exercise, how much & what type is best for you 
Sleep is the great nervous system reset, so we'll be covering all about sleep in this section.
part 4: environment
In the Environment section, we’ll be discussing your personal environment, the part that you have control over & contributes to your health. Light, Air, Your Household Environment, Beauty & Cleaning Products, we’ll cover a variety of important topics, and I’ll help you understand the easiest changes you can make to improve your health. 
All about light. Red light, Blue light, Sunlight. Best lights to use in your house & what matters 
Air quality. Most of us spend a good amount of time inside, and the air you breathe daily can matter a lot! 
Electricity & EMFs & a sliding scale on considerations to make in support of your health 
& metabolism 
Most important things when it comes to household products & supplies 

Plus, there's a few topics that maybe don't apply to all, but are of particular interest to some.

bonus #1:
prometabolic fat-loss 101

Image by Huha Inc.

Stubborn weight & excess body fat are often symptoms of a low metabolism. Everything taught in the main course is the foundation to releasing unwanted weight safely & sustainably. Once you're metabolically healthy, you may want to expedite the process, in which case I'm including this intro guide to help you understand the best pro-metabolic fat loss strategies once you’ve learned to fully nourish your body. A $250 value!

bonus #2:
women's health & hormones

Image by Jasmin Chew

For those who are menstruating (or should be!) this covers such important basics that most of us were never taught, so that you can gain connection with this important part of your biology, and lean into your human-ness instead of begrudging it. A $250 Value! 

Total Value of Bonuses:


UNF*%K Your Metabolism: Your Guide To Living A 

Prometabolic Life 

Image by Geraldine Li

Live Weekly Coaching Calls Even (recordings will be available & you can submit questions) 
Core Curriculum covering the 4 pillars: Nutrition, Mindset, Movement, & Environment - with detailed action items and step by-step guidance. 
Weekly Q&A 
Community Group for ongoing discussion 
Pro-metabolic Food Prep Guide and Recipe Book, & Meal Plans
Handouts, Worksheets & Cheatsheets 

Total Value:


Your Price:


pay in full and save


6 / 12 month payment plan options

Got questions?
i've got answers...

is this just another fad diet?
No! My goal is to help you understand the concepts & principles behind this way of eating, not just give you some rules to follow. While guidelines are helpful, it’s so important to understand that bodies are individual, and things that work for some may not work for others. We’ll discuss this in depth & I’ll help you understand how to find what works best for you. 
is this way of living sustainable?
Yes! More so than any other I’ve come across. While it’s not always easy to be healthy in this modern world - what would you rather do? Put a little extra effort into your health? Or suffer symptoms & disease that don’t allow you live your best life? 
will it be so strict i can't keep up with it?
Nope! This isn’t about needing to be “strict” to win - it’s about finding what works for you - which means it can’t be so strict you can’t keep up with it! You can be as “strict” as you need for your mind & situation, but there will be plenty of options given for everyone at any level to succeed. 
will i be able to get my individual concerns met?
Yes! While the course materials are designed to help you personalize it to yourself every step along the way, you’ll also have 2 ways to ask questions & get personal coaching. 

1) Attend the LIVE Coaching Calls - Attending the live call, you’ll have the opportunity to raise you hand and get coached live 1:1, or type your questions in the chat box & have me address them on the call. If you can’t make the live call, you'll can submit questions in advance & watch the replay. You'll be surprised how helpful it is to watch others get coached too! 
2) Ask questions in the Mighty Network - You can ask questions anytime that come up throughout the week. I respond in the Mighty Network and also also address questions in depth on the live coaching call &/or in a separate Q&A video that you’ll have access to. 
what's the time commitment?
About 30 minutes per week to watch & review material. I would encourage you to attend Live calls as much as possible, or make it a priority to watch the replays. The good news is the materials are mobile friendly, and there’s even an app so you can listen to calls or content while driving or doing the dishes. You will get out as much as you put in, so if you can make time each week to watch all the materials and put applicable things into action, you’ll get the best results. 
how fast can i expect results?
It really varies person to person, where you’re starting from & how fast you’re able to implement new information, but on average, most people find they start experiencing noticeable improvements within 3- 6 weeks. 
what support is available?
You’ll have access to Weekly Live coaching calls where you can raise your hand for live 1:1 coaching or ask questions in the chat box. You can submit questions any time during the week & have them answered weekly. You’ll also have access to a community support group so you can chat with your peers, get support, & share ideas! 
i've been in the prometabolic world for a while, will this be anything new?
Chances are yes! I don’t know of any other courses or programs that are bringing this information together in one place. Over my years of coaching, I’ve found that while nutrition is important, it’s not everything. Even if you feel like you’ve got pro-metabolic nutrition mostly covered I would encourage you go through the nutrition section with fresh eyes, as often I find there are seemingly little (or big!) things that people often miss that can make a world of difference. And if you feel like you have nutrition covered but are still wondering why things haven’t quite come together, it’s highly likely your answers will be found somewhere in one of the 3 other sections. 
is the program for women who are in peri-menopause or are post menopausal?
Yes! While there are some differences happening in our bodies at that time, nutritionally, the needs don’t change as much as you might think. Plus, we will be addressing various stages of life, and most importantly, how to tailor each nutrition & each other category to yourself, so you can find what’s right for you, right now.
when do i get access to the course materials?
As soon as you sign up!
is there a refund policy?
Due to the digital nature of materials, there are no refunds available. If you have any questions if this is the right program for you, please DM me on IG @the_resiliencecoach or email me at
If this resonates with you and you’re ready to explore options for up-leveling your life, but still have some questions or just want to chat with me first, book a free discovery call >>>

     This call is free, but please, only book a spot if you are serious about healing and achieving your goals! I’m more than happy to spend this time with you, as long as you are willing to make the commitment to yourself and your healing process. Not a commitment to me, but a commitment to YOU. There is absolutely no pressure on this call, my goal is to help guide you to what’s best for you, and that may or may not be coaching with me - but that’s exactly what we’ll discover on this call together.

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